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Welcome to my homepage
This web page in dedicated to my life and the people, places, and events that are worth typing about. A quick run down about me: I am 20 years young (about to be 21). I love sports (watching and playing). I have an intense passion for Camaros. And very easy-going. I love my family and friends very much, and always will. Other people worth mentioning are Laney: the love of my life (Love ya). Clinton: my brother thats quier. Chris: my bestfriend (also Camaro enthu). Brandon: Chicago's wetdream (my other bestfriend). And Ianybody else that i missed. I Love ya'll too.
- "May God protect my soul, Angels walk with me." -
Poem By Me:
" Love: has the power to conquer men - rewind time - break hearts - heal wounds Love has the power to make me forget what a good thing I have, or a wounderful thing I had.
Love is...the power to bring pride crying to a sidewalk in the middle of the night.
Love is...a decision to make that might not be yours to make.
Love is mine."
My family as you can see know how to have fun. Everybobdy was there at our house to eat ThanksGiving lunch. This little segement was picture time (yah).
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Family Time
This is my Family, Left to Right: my mom, me, my brother, my step-dad, my step-brother, and my step-sister. |

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